Saturday, November 3, 2007

Double Standards

so whats todays standard for promiscuity?

are men and women equal?

should we as women be considered equal, held to the same ridicule as men?

maybe so, some may debate this issue, equal rights huh?

personally i find it grotesque that anyone in this day and age can find having casual sex with multiple partners satisfying or even excused.

honestly, seems like every day theres a new and deadly std rearing its head and safety isnt in condoms or any other popular form of "protection".

its in having that one person that you can actually say that you trust with your life...and even at times that isnt enough,

because how many people are actually faithful anyway?

ive thought about the level of standard between the sexes...

and you know what?

i think that ultimately women have more of a responsibility to ensure their safety, health, and future...

now, im not excusing the men... because like i said, i find it disgusting that every six seconds of every minute of the day someone contracts AIDS.

you would think that with all the awareness people would realize that an std is 1 more partner away.

but as a woman i can say that we as women have a responsibility not only to ourselves...

but to our future, our children and families.

i knew a girl in my childhood years that went to my school to talk about her life, and how with just a moment in her life gave her recent newborn at the time a death sentence. sure, there are ways to prolong the inevitable, ways to suppress the symptoms. but that doesn't erase the fact that ultimately pneumonia or even a common cold for most, will be what cause of your last breath. the last time you see your families face, or even see your last sunrise. this was her curse, and she passed it down to the one person that made her change her life.she didnt get to see her daughter graduate from 5th grade, or be there for her first kiss.

so who's responsibility is it to protect the future of our children? AIDS is a big responsibility for someone to young to understand what it is, and what an impact it will have for the rest of their life.

im scared to see what the future will hold for our babies, what will we leave them? what are we cursing them with?

everything that we do to our bodies down to the food we eat will impact the health of our children...

and that scares me, how do you explain to your child that someday they will be to weak to fight off the flu because of one night of irresponsibility? how one day they will fall in love, and will have to sit down with their partner and explain. how the person they love will probably reject them for something that was out of their control?

i cant speak for anyone, or assume to know why we do what we do, because i know that our culture is riddled with sexuality. but is that a good enough excuse for changing someone else's life? someone that ultimately, you will love more than anything else in this world. the one person you will truly love forever...

so wheres the standard?

who is more responsible for the life of a child? the mother or the father...

some men aren't man enough to accept the burden of paying the bills, how can we as women assume that they are ready to accept that one day they will be a father...

and im not saying all men, just some...

but that some are enough to ruin the lives of many.

we as women should be more picky about who we allow ourselves to become vulnerable to, because some day it isnt just going to be our lives that we have to worry about, or care for.

i dont understand how girls can just sleep with anyone, and still look themselves in the mirror and feel that what their doing is alright. or how girls that are already mothers can bring men in and out of the lives of themselves and their children with the slightest change of temperature. and for those who do participate in such acts still demand respect from anyone. i wonder how their children feel about seeing a new guy every other night in their house, in their mothers bed? it must be so traumatizing. and what is the product of that kind of lifestyle?

because nothing you say will change the fact that events such as those leave a lasting scar in the child's mind forever. statistically pedifiles were once the victim, so are we in turn perpetuating the cycle with showing our children that having multiple partners is ok? its vile, and vicious to subject our children to such profanity.

what diseases will be circulated when our children are sexually active? viruses dont just go away, or stay the same...

the biggest problem with AIDS and such std's is that they mutate.

there isnt just one strain of anything, so what will the next epidemic be 10 years from now?

i want a family one day, i want to be a mother...

and more than that i want to know that i did everything that i could to ensure my child s health, by protecting my own.

and i dont want to worry that someday my child will walk in the door and tell me that they have contracted something some freak strain of AIDS or any other std.

this is not me trying to save the world, this is me just saying that this needs to end with us.

be conscious of what you do because we are the mothers and fathers of something much greater than us...

a whole new era

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